Our Vision
Operation World Without Cancer is a humanitarian global marketing effort to create widespread understanding of all natural, organic, metabolic, God-given solutions to cancer, with the ultimate goal of making cancer as rare as scurvy in our lifetime.
Imagine … In 20 years, the only thing our children and grandchildren will know about cancer is what they read in history books.
John A. Richardson
President/Chief Visionary Officer
John A. Richardson Jr.'s journey with apricot seeds began in his childhood, where they were a staple in his daily diet. As he transitioned into adulthood, he developed a profound dedication to spreading awareness about the potent health benefits of Vitamin B17, a key component found in these seeds.
His network of close friends was significantly influenced by his connection with G. Edward Griffin, a lifelong friend of his father, Dr. John A. Richardson, MD. Dr. Richardson, a visionary in the realm of nutritional health and alternative treatments, ventured into politics by running for congress in the San Francisco Bay Area during the 1960s. His platform emphasized the values of God, Family, and Country. Despite his pioneering efforts in healthcare, Dr. Richardson faced adversity, losing his medical license, freedom, and eventually, his life.
Driven by a desire to carry forward the legacies of both his father and G. Edward Griffin, John has become the Chief Visionary Officer of Operation World Without Cancer. This position allows him to continue the crucial work initiated by his father in promoting alternative health solutions and educating the public about the potential benefits of Vitamin B17. John's vision extends beyond personal well-being, aiming to contribute to a world where cancer is better understood and, ultimately, eradicated.