Operation World Without Cancer was wholly inspired by the groundbreaking work of G. Edward Griffin in the 1974 book, World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17. While Griffin is most often known for his book, The Creature from Jekyll Island (1994), which is an exposé about the creation of the Federal Reserve, World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17 is an exposé about the demonization of Vitamin B17, the God-given compound found in the seeds of the lowly apricot.
We hope that the following quotes from the book, written over fifty years ago, cause you to dig deeper into this subject and to join us in believing that a WORLD WITHOUT CANCER is in our future.
G. Edward Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease—like scurvy or pellagra—aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man’s diet. That substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile. This story is not approved by orthodox medicine. The FDFA, the AMA, and The American Cancer Society have labeled it fraud and quackery. Yet the evidence is clear that here, at least, is the final answer to the cancer riddle. Why has orthodox medicine waged war against this non-drug approach? The author contends that the answer is to be found, not in science, but in politics—and is based upon the hidden economic and power agenda of those who dominate the medical establishment. (from the book’s back cover)
Each year, thousands of Americans travel to Mexico and Germany to receive Laetrile therapy. They do this because it has been suppressed in the United States. Most of these patients have been told that their cancer is terminal and they have but a few months to live. Yet, an incredible percentage of them have recovered and are living normal lives. However, the DFA, the AMA, the American Cancer Society, and the cancer research centers continue to pronounce that Laetrile is quackery. The recovered patients, they say, either had “spontaneous remissions” or never had cancer in the first place. (from the Foreword)

It should not be surprising that these experts have rejected the vitamin-deficiency concept of cancer. There is nothing in it for them. Not only would a world without cancer lead to pay-check shock, it also would represent a blow to professional prestige. Imagine: a cure for cancer found in the seeds of fruits, not in research laboratories, and discovered by people without government grants or prestigious diplomas hanging on their walls! (from the WARNING! section)

Substances found in nature cannot be patented; only those which are invented by man. If a company were to spend two-hundred-million dollars to obtain FDA approval for a natural substance, its competitors then would be able to market the product, and the developer could never recover the investment. Therefore—and mark this well—as long as the present laws remain, the only substances that ever will be “approved” for cancer therapy will be proprietary. No substance from nature will ever be legally available for cancer or any other disease unless its source can be monopolized or its processing can be patented. No matter how safe and effective it may be, and no matter how many people are benefited, it will forever be relegated to the category of “unproven” therapies. As such, freely available cures from nature will always be illegal to prescribe, to promote, and in many cases even to use. (from the WARNING! section)

Science can be used, not only to push drugs into the market that do not work, but also to hold back remedies that do—because these remedies represent potential competition to the pharmaceutical industry which controls the drug-approving process. (page 26)
… the non-toxicity of amygdalin (Laetrile) has been a well-known, fully accepted, and non-controversial fact for a hundred years. (page 35)
How does one evaluate the success of a cancer treatment? … Orthodox medicine is totally focused on the tumor. To most oncologists, the tumor is the cancer. If they remove it surgically or burn it away, they happily announce to the patient: “Good news. We got it all!” They may have all of the tumor, but did they get what caused the tumor? … The tumor is not the disease; it is the symptom of the disease… Laetrile practitioners have always warned that reduction in tumor size is the least meaningful of all measures of success. (page 39)
If a cure for cancer were to be found in an extract from the lowly apricot seed, it would be a terrible economic blow to the cancer-drug industry. (page 42)
A man who has spent his life acquiring scientific knowledge far beyond the grasp of his fellow human beings is not usually inclined to listen with patience to someone who lacks that knowledge—especially if that person suggests that the solution to the scientist’s most puzzling medical problem is to be found in a simple back-woods or near-primitive concoction of herbs and foods. The scientist is trained to search for complex answers and tends to look with smug amusement upon solutions that are not dependent upon his hard-earned skills. (page 55)
The average M.D. today has spent over ten years of intensive training to learn about health and disease. This educational process continues for as long as he practices his art. The greatest challenge to the medical profession today is cancer. If the solution to the cancer puzzle were to be found in the simple foods we eat (or don’t eat), then what other diseases might also be traced to this cause? The implications are explosive. As one doctor put it so aptly, “Most of my medical training has been wasted. I’ve learned the wrong things!” And no one wants to discover that he has learned—or taught—the wrong things. Hence, there is an unconscious, but natural, tendency among many scientists and physicians to reject the vitamin-deficiency concept of disease until it is proven, and proven, and proven again. (pages 55-56)
As everyone who owns a dog or cat has observed, these domesticated pets often seek out certain grasses to eat even though they are adequately filled by other foods. This is particularly likely to happen if the animals are not well. It is interesting to note that the grasses selected by instinct are Johnson grass, Tunis grass, Sudan grass, and others that are especially rich in nitrilosides or vitamin B17. (page 57)
For the first time in our history, people are being forced to flee from our shores as medical emigrants seeking freedom-of-choice and sovereignty over their own bodies. Laetrile has been available in Australia, Brazil, Belgium, Costa Rica, England, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, Peru, the Philippines, Spain, Switzerland, Russia, Venezuela, and Vietnam—but it is not allowed in the “land of the free.” (page 22)
With billions of dollars spent each year in research, with additional billions taken in from the cancer-related sale of drugs, and with vote-hungry politicians promising ever-increasing government programs, we find that, today, there are more people making a living from cancer than dying from it. If the riddle were to be solved by a simple vitamin, this gigantic commercial and political industry could be wiped out overnight. The result is that the science of cancer therapy is not nearly as complicated as the politics of cancer therapy. (page 22)
The trail of corruption leads all the way to the FDA itself. A study conducted by USA TODAY revealed that more than half of the experts hired to advise the government on the safety and effectiveness of medicine have financial relationships with the pharmaceutical companies that are affected by their advice. (page 26)

And so we see that the foods that once provided the American people with ample amounts of natural vitamin B17 gradually have been pushed aside or replaced altogether by foods almost devoid of this factor. Significantly, it is during this same period that the cancer rate has moved steadily upward to the point where, today, one out of every three persons in the United States is destined to contract this disease. (page 61)
The missionary and medical journals have recorded many cancer-free populations all over the world. Some are in tropic regions, some in the Arctic. Some are hunters who eat great quantities of meat, some are vegetarians who eat almost no meat at all. From all continents and all races, the one thing they have in common is that the degree to which they are free from cancer is in direct proportion to the amount of nitriloside or vitamin B17 found in their natural diet. (pages 69-70)
By 1950 he [Dr. Ernst Krebs, Jr.] had identified the specific composition of this substance [B-17], had isolated it into crystalline form, had given it the name Laetrile, and had tested it on animals to make sure it was not toxic. The next step was to prove that it was not harmful to humans. There was only one way to do that. So he rolled up his sleeve and injected it into his own bloodstream. Just as he predicted, there were absolutely no harmful or distressing side effects. (page 88)
It is no longer a speculation but a fact supported by a mountain of evidence that vitamin B-17 is a vital part of an amazing biochemical process that destroys cancer cells while, at the same time, nourishing and sustaining non-cancer cells. (page 92)
So let us repeat the reality. While their fellow citizens are suffering from cancer at the rate of one of every three, not one in a thousand who regularly ingests nitrilosides [B-17] has been known to contract this dread disease. (page 73) …For over a hundred years standard pharmacology reference books have described this substance as non-toxic. After almost two centuries of use in all parts of the world, there never has been even one reported case of related death or serious illness. (page 101)
Dr. Krebs has suggested a minimum level of fifty milligrams of B-17 per day for a normal, healthy adult. …it is wise to follow the simple rule that one should not eat at one time more seeds than he likely could consume if he also were eating a reasonable quantity of the whole fruit. This is a common-sense rule with a large safety margin that can be followed with complete confidence. (page 100)…B-17 is a substance found abundantly in plants that are appropriate for human consumption. It is not a man-made chemical and is not alien to the body. Its purified form called Laetrile is even less toxic than sugar. (page 103)
It [B-15] is found in small amounts almost everywhere on earth in seeds and usually in the company of the vitamin-B complex. Like B-17, it too was discovered by Dr. E. Krebs, Jr… It could be said that it was an unexpected bonus or by-product of the search for vitamin B-17. The best way to understand the effect of vitamin B-15 is to think of it as an instant oxygen….since cancer cells do not thrive in the presence of oxygen but depend rather on fermentation of glucose, it is probable that B-15, indirectly, is an enemy of cancer. (page 113)
Can B-17 restore a person to health after he has contracted the disease? The answer is yes, if it is caught in time, and if the patient is not too badly damaged by prior X-ray treatment or toxic drugs. (page 118)
The issue of maintenance doses is important. Once a person has contracted cancer and recovered, apparently the need for vitamin B-17 is considerably greater than for those who have not…patients, once recovered, can reduce their dosage levels of Laetrile, but if they eliminate it altogether, it is almost a certain invitation to a return of the cancer. It’s for this reason that physicians using Laetrile seldom say that it cures cancer. They prefer the more accurate word control, implying a continuing process. (page 123)

…practitioners have reported independently that patients usually experience several important side effects. These include a normalizing of blood pressure in hypertension patients, improved appetite, an increase in the hemoglobin and red blood cell count…and above all, a release from pain without narcotics. (page 109)
Perhaps the greatest indictment against [breast] surgery is the fact that, statistically, there is no solid evidence that patients who submit to surgery have any greater life expectancy, on average, than those who do not. (page 139)
When we turn to cancers which have metastasized to secondary locations, the picture becomes virtually hopeless–surgery or no surgery… once the cancer has metastasized to a second location, surgery has almost no survival value. The reason is that, like other therapies approved by orthodox medicine, surgery removes only the tumor. It does not remove the cause. (page 141-142)
…early diagnosis and treatment increases the chance of survival. This is one of those slogans that drives millions of people into their doctors’ offices for that mystical experience called the annual checkup. (page 148)
The American Cancer Society claims that patients are now surviving longer, thanks to orthodox therapy. But people are not living longer after they get cancer; they are living longer after they are diagnosed with cancer. With modern diagnostic techniques, cancer can be detected at an earlier stage. The time between diagnosis and death is longer, but the length of life itself has not increased at all. (page 147)
…most of them [anti-cancer drugs] currently in use are highly poisonous, not just to cancer but to the rest of the body as well. Generally they are more deadly to healthy tissue than they are to the malignant cell…their poisonous nature is not tolerated merely as a necessary price to pay in order to achieve some desired effect, it is the desired effect. (page 152)
VITAMIN THERAPY: Non-toxic. Side effects include increased appetite, weight gain, lowered blood pressure, increased hemoglobin and red-blood cell count. Eliminates or sharply reduces pain without narcotics. Builds up body’s resistance to other diseases. Is a natural substance found in foods and is compatible with human biological experience. Destroys cancer cells while nourishing non-cancer cells. Considering that most patients begin vitamin therapy only after they have been cut, burned, or poisoned by orthodox treatments and have been told that there no longer is any hope, the number of patients who have been brought back to normal health on a long-term survival basis (15%) is most encouraging. For those who turn to vitamin therapy first, the long-term survival rate is greater than 80%. (pages 157-158)